Thursday, November 8, 2012

5 Great At Home Hamstrings Exercises

Continuing in the series of articles, which I will provide you with a few exercises in each article, that will be specific for one main muscle group. However, most of these exercises will also work additional muscles as well. When this series of articles is complete, you will have an arsenal of exercises that will target every muscle group in your entire body.

Note: I do not recommend that you only target (or isolate) a single muscle group for a complete work out. When you attempt to "isolate" muscles by performing single-joint exercises, you are actually creating a body that is non-functional and will be more prone to injury. Essentially, you are creating a body that is a compilation of body parts, instead of a powerful, functional unit that works together.

Part Thirteen: Hamstrings Exercises

Clean Deadlift

Main Muscle Worked: Hamstrings
Other Muscles: Forearms, Glutes, Lower Back, Middle Back, Quadriceps, Traps
Equipment: Barbell
  1. Begin standing with a barbell close to your shins. Your feet should be directly under your hips with your feet turned out slightly. Grip the bar with a double overhand grip or hook grip, about shoulder width apart. Squat down to the bar. Your spine should be in full extension, with a back angle that places your shoulders in front of the bar and your back as vertical as possible.
  2. Begin by driving through the floor through the front of your heels. As the bar travels upward, maintain a constant back angle. Flare your knees out to the side to help keep them out of the bar's path.
  3. After the bar crosses the knees, complete the lift by driving the hips into the bar until your hips and knees are extended.

Double Kettlebell Alternating Hang Clean

Main Muscle Worked: Hamstrings
Other Muscles: Biceps, Calves, Forearms, Glutes, Lower Back, Quadriceps, Traps
Equipment: Kettlebells
  1. Place two kettlebells between your feet. To get in the starting position, push your butt back and look straight ahead.
  2. Clean one kettlebell to your shoulder and hold on to the other kettlebell.
  3. With a fluid motion, lower the top kettlebell while driving the bottom kettlebell up.

Front Box Jump

Main Muscle Worked: Hamstrings
Other Muscles: Abductors, Adductors, Calves, Glutes, Quadriceps
Equipment: Other
  1. Assume a relaxed stance facing the box or platform approximately an arm's length away. Arms should be down at the sides and legs slightly bent.
  2. Using the arms to aid in the initial burst, jump upward and forward, landing with feet simultaneously on top of the box or platform.
  3. Immediately drop or jump back down to the original starting place; then repeat the sequence

Linear Acceleration Wall Drill

Main Muscle Worked: Hamstrings
Other Muscles: Calves, Glutes, Quadriceps
Equipment: None
  1. Lean at around 45 degrees against a wall. Your feet should be together, glutes contracted.
  2. Begin by lifting your right knee quickly, pausing, and then driving it straight down into the ground.
  3. Switch legs, raising the opposite knee, and then attacking the ground straight down.
  4. Repeat once more with your right leg, and as soon as the right foot strikes the ground hammer them out rapidly, alternating left and right as fast as you can.

Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts

Main Muscle Worked: Hamstrings
Other Muscles: Glutes, Lower Back
Equipment: Dumbbell
  1. Grasp a couple of dumbbells holding them by your side at arm's length.
  2. Stand with your torso straight and your legs spaced using a shoulder width or narrower stance. The knees should be slightly bent. This is your starting position.
  3. Keeping the knees stationary, lower the dumbbells to over the top of your feet by bending at the waist while keeping your back straight. Keep moving forward as if you were going to pick something from the floor until you feel a stretch on the hamstrings. Exhale as you perform this movement
  4. Start bringing your torso up straight again by extending your hips and waist until you are back at the starting position. Inhale as you perform this movement.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
  • This is not an exercise that is recommended for people with lower back problems. Also, it needs to be treated with the utmost respect paying special attention not to round the back forward as you move the torso down; the back should always be straight. Finally, jerking motions or doing too much weight can injure your back.
  • The exercise can also be performed with a barbell also.

Take these exercises, along with those from the previous articles and the ones that will follow in the next few articles, and combine them to create your own total body work out routine. In addition, put in place a healthy diet, and you will be well on your way to being healthy and fit.

Always remember to warm up for at least 5 - 10 minutes before beginning a work out routine.

Want some ideas for your abs? Give the Truth About Abs program a try.

Take a look at The Gabriel Method weight loss program, this guy lost over 200 pounds!

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