Friday, September 28, 2012

Muscle Isolation Exercises - Is It A Good Idea?

It does not matter which muscle somebody is actually asking about, they generally are wanting to know the way to isolate it. The first reaction that I have to this question is..... "Why on earth do you want to isolate it?"

The first thing to keep in mind, would be that the body really does not work very well with muscle isolation. Instead, it works more effectively with motions along a kinetic string, which is, large parts of your body helping other parts of your body in performing a complex routine. Actually, there truly is no such thing as real muscle isolation. There is always a near by muscle group which will assist in some manner with what ever motion you do. Nevertheless, this post considers trying to isolate parts of the body, by way of single-joint workouts with the far more efficient technique of carrying out multi-joint complex routines.

Whenever you try to isolate muscles through doing single-joint workouts, you will be in fact developing a body which is non-functional and will also be much more vulnerable to injury. Basically, you will be producing a body which is a collection of body parts, rather than a strong, efficient system that functions together.

Now should you actually want to find yourself hobbling all over, bandaged up, with joint pain, tendinitis, as well as excess body fat, in that case go ahead and keep on wanting to isolate parts of the body. However, if you would prefer to have a very slim, muscular, injury-free, efficient body that functions like a complete effective unit to do complex movements (in athletics as well as daily tasks), then you definitely have to change your focus far from muscle isolation. Trust me, concentrating on just how effectively your body performs, will provide you with the side effect of a body that will look a lot better than it would have if you concentrated on muscle isolation. For instance, check out the physiques of just about any NFL player, as well as first class sprinters. Believe me when I say these people pretty much IN NO WAY exercise with muscle isolation (their strength training instructors would not be crazy enough to allow them), however they are completely ripped!

An additional advantage to shifting aside from the muscle isolation mentality, into a more complex movement mentality, is that you will certainly realize it is a lot easier to get rid of body fat. This is because by concentrating more on multi-joint complex motions rather than single-joint muscle isolation, you will not just burn off much more calories throughout every work out, additionally you will raise your metabolic process, and induce production of a lot more fat burning as well as muscle building hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone.

Let's take a look at an example. The leg extension device, is a single joint work out that works the quadriceps, this could possibly lead to knee joint instability over time, and this does not actually burn off that many calories. However, exercises such as squats, lunges, step-ups, as well as dead lifts are multi-joint complex movements, which work countless muscles in the body (including the quadriceps) as a functional system, and will produce much more stable and stronger joints in the end (when performed correctly), and in addition will burn off huge amounts of calories when compared to single-joint exercises

Therefore I suggest that you forget about muscle isolation, and stay with a total body work out routine. Not only will this develop your entire body properly, it will also burn off more body fat, and when done properly, it will keep you from being injured. Furthermore the muscles you are trying to isolate, will actually develop better and more in proportion to the rest of your body.

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