The actual objective would be to select a meal having easily digestible quick carbohydrates in order to rejuvenate muscle glycogen in addition to quickly digestible protein to supply the amino acids required to kick start muscle restoration. The actual spike of carbohydrates as well as amino acids out of this easily digested meal stimulates an insulin surge from your pancreas, that shuttles nutrients in to the muscle tissue .
The actual post-workout meal will usually consist of in between 300-500 calories for the most powerful reaction. As an example, a 120-lb woman might simply need a 300-calorie meal, while a 200-lb man may require a 500-calorie post-workout meal. The post-workout meal also needs to contain from around a 2:1 ratio of carbohydrates:proteins up to a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrates:protein. Although the majority of your other daily meals really should include a supply of healthy fats, you want to keep fat content of the post-workout meal to the bare minimum, because fat slows down the absorption of the meal, and that is the opposite of what you need following a work out.
When trying to reduce excess fat, remember that post-workout meals ought to have the opposite qualities of all of your other meals during each day. Whereas post-workout meals ought to have quick high glycemic index carbohydrates along with quickly digested proteins, all your other meals during the day need to be made up of low glycemic index, slowly digested carbohydrates as well as slow release proteins.
When deciding on what you should make for your post-workout meal, the very first thing to understand is, you DO NOT have to have these costly post-workout supplement products that every fancy advertisements, shown all over the place will tell you that you just absolutely NEED!
As an alternative make your own post-workout shakes with all natural ingredients, as as an alternative to using a store-bought mixture, because so many of these are usually low quality.
Here are a few things to bear in mind if you try these.
A great source of quickly digestible natural carbohydrates for instance frozen bananas, pineapples, honey, as well as natural maple syrup are actually ideal to generate an insulin response which will encourage muscle glycogen replenishment along with a general anabolic (muscle building) result. The more you are able to aid the actual muscle repair process, the more you raise your metabolism and may help your fat reduction at the same time.
One of the best source of quickly digestible protein is a top quality non-denatured whey protein and/or any fat-free or low-fat yogurt. Listed below are a couple of suggestions for delicious post-workout smoothies which will kick start your recovery process:
Chocolate Banana
Blend together
1 - cup water
½ - cup milk
1½ - frozen bananas
2 - tbsp organic maple syrup
30 - grams chocolate whey protein powder
Nutritional Facts: 38 g prot, 72 g carb, 1.5 g fat, 450 calories.
Pineapple Vanilla
blend together
1 - cup water
½ - cup vanilla yogurt
1 - cup frozen pineapples
2 - tbsp honey (preferably raw)
30 - grams vanilla whey protein powder
Nutritional Facts: 35 g prot, 71 g carb, 1 g fat, 430 calories.
These are definitely effective techniques toward creating a trim muscular body having a low body fat percentage. An additional good factor regarding post-workout meals is you can easily please even the worst sweet tooth, due to the fact that this may be the one time of the day where you could get away with eating additional sugar with out adding to your stomach. Rather, it all will go directly to the muscles! But Provided that your work out was super-high intensity and also included strength training for large portions of your body. If all you performed was some low intensity cardio exercise, just forget about doing this kind of post-workout shake.
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