Friday, November 2, 2012

5 Great At Home Forearms Exercises

Continuing in the series of articles, which I will provide you with a few exercises in each article, that will be specific for one main muscle group. However, most of these exercises will also work additional muscles as well. When this series of articles is complete, you will have an arsenal of exercises that will target every muscle group in your entire body.

Note: I do not recommend that you only target (or isolate) a single muscle group for a complete work out. When you attempt to "isolate" muscles by performing single-joint exercises, you are actually creating a body that is non-functional and will be more prone to injury. Essentially, you are creating a body that is a compilation of body parts, instead of a powerful, functional unit that works together.

Part Ten: Forearms Exercises

Palms-Down Dumbbell Wrist Curl Over A Bench

Main Muscle Worked: Forearms
Equipment: Dumbbell
  1. Start out by placing two dumbbells on one side of a flat bench.
  2. Kneel down on both of your knees so that your body is facing the flat bench.
  3. Use your arms to grab both of the dumbbells with a pronated grip (palms facing down) and bring them up so that your forearms are resting against the flat bench. Your wrists should be hanging over the edge.
  4. Start out by curling your wrist upwards and exhaling.
  5. Slowly lower your wrists back down to the starting position while inhaling.
  6. Your forearms should be stationary as your wrist is the only movement needed to perform this exercise.
  7. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
  • This exercise can also be performed sitting down by using your thighs as a resting position for your forearms. Your wrist can hang over your knees and the same movements as mentioned above can be performed.
  • You can also use a barbell instead of a dumbbell.

Palms-Up Dumbbell Wrist Curl Over A Bench

Main Muscle Worked: Forearms
Equipment: Dumbbell
  1. Start out by placing two dumbbells on one side of a flat bench.
  2. Kneel down on both of your knees so that your body is facing the flat bench.
  3. Use your arms to grab both of the dumbbells with a supinated grip (palms up) and bring them up so that your forearms are resting against the flat bench. Your wrists should be hanging over the edge.
  4. Start out by curling your wrist upwards and exhaling.
  5. Slowly lower your wrists back down to the starting position while inhaling. Make sure to inhale during this part of the exercise.
  6. Your forearms should be stationary as your wrist is the only movement needed to perform this exercise.
  7. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
  • This exercise can also be performed sitting down by using your thighs as a resting position for your forearms. Your wrist can hang over your knees and the same movements as mentioned above can be performed.
  • You can also use a barbell instead of a dumbbell.

Plate Pinch

Main Muscle Worked: Forearms
Equipment: Other
  1. Grab two wide-rimmed plates and put them together with the smooth sides facing outward
  2. Use your fingers to grip the outside part of the plate and your thumb for the other side thus holding both plates together. This is the starting position.
  3. Squeeze the plate with your fingers and thumb. Hold this position for as long as you can.
  4. Repeat for the recommended amount of sets prescribed in your program.
  5. Switch arms and repeat the movements.
  • Attempting to hold the weighted plate for too long can cause you to drop the plate. As a result, it may land on your feet or other areas which may cause an injury. So if you feel like the weight is about to slip out of your hand, slowly bend your knees while keeping your back straight and put the plates on the floor.

Standing Olympic Plate Hand Squeeze

Main Muscle Worked: Forearms
Other Muscles: Biceps
Equipment: Other

  1. To begin, stand straight while holding a weight plate by the ridge at arm's length in each hand using a neutral grip (palms facing in). You feet should be shoulder width apart from each other. This will be your starting position.
  2. Lower the plates until the fingers are nearly extended but can still hold weights. Inhale as you lower the plates.
  3. Now raise the plates back to the starting position as you exhale by closing your hands.
  4. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions prescribed in your program.
  • You can do both hands at the same time, alternate, or do one hand at a time.

Wrist Roller

Main Muscle Worked: Forearms
Other Muscles: Shoulders
Equipment: Other
  1. To begin, stand straight up grabbing a wrist roller using a pronated grip (palms facing down). Your feet should be shoulder width apart.
  2. Slowly lift both arms until they are fully extended and parallel to the floor in front of you. Note: Make sure the rope is not wrapped around the roller. Your entire body should be stationary except for the forearms. This is the starting position.
  3. Rotate one wrist at a time in an upward motion to bring the weight up to the bar by rolling the rope around the roller.
  4. Once the weight has reached the bar, slowly begin to lower the weight back down by rotating the wrist in a downward motion until the weight reaches the starting position.
  5. Repeat for the prescribed amount of repetitions in your program.

Take these exercises, along with those from the previous articles and the ones that will follow in the next few articles, and combine them to create your own total body work out routine. In addition, put in place a healthy diet, and you will be well on your way to being healthy and fit.

Always remember to warm up for at least 5 - 10 minutes before beginning a work out routine.

Want some ideas for your abs? Give the Truth About Abs program a try.

Take a look at The Gabriel Method weight loss program, this guy lost over 200 pounds!

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