Thursday, November 8, 2012

5 Great At Home Abductors & Adductors Exercises

Continuing in the series of articles, which I will provide you with a few exercises in each article, that will be specific for one main muscle group. However, most of these exercises will also work additional muscles as well. When this series of articles is complete, you will have an arsenal of exercises that will target every muscle group in your entire body.

Note: I do not recommend that you only target (or isolate) a single muscle group for a complete work out. When you attempt to "isolate" muscles by performing single-joint exercises, you are actually creating a body that is non-functional and will be more prone to injury. Essentially, you are creating a body that is a compilation of body parts, instead of a powerful, functional unit that works together.

Part Fourteen: Abductors & Adductors Exercises


Prone Hip Circles

Main Muscle Worked: Abductors
Other Muscles: Adductors
Equipment: Body Only
  1. Position yourself on your hands and knees on the ground. Maintaining good posture, raise one bent knee off of the ground. This will be your starting position.
  2. Keeping the knee in a bent position, rotate the femur in an arc, attempting to make a big circle with your knee.
  3. Perform this slowly for a number of repetitions, and repeat on the other side.

You can do this with a resistance band

Standing Hip Circles

Main Muscle Worked: Abductors
Other Muscles: Adductors
Equipment: Body Only
  1. Begin standing on one leg, holding to a vertical support.
  2. Raise the unsupported knee to 90 degrees. This will be your starting position.
  3. Open the hip as far as possible, attempting to make a big circle with your knee.
  4. Perform this movement slowly for a number of repetitions, and repeat on the other side.


Lateral Box Jump

Main Muscle Worked: Adductors
Other Muscles: Abductors, Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
Equipment: Other
  1. Assume a comfortable standing position, with a short box positioned next to you. This will be your starting position.
  2. Quickly dip into a quarter squat to initiate the stretch reflex, and immediately reverse direction to jump up and to the side.
  3. Bring your knees high enough to ensure your feet have good clearance over the box.
  4. Land on the center of the box, using your legs to absorb the impact.
  5. Carefully jump down to the other side of the box, and continue going back and forth for several repetitions.

Lateral Cone Hops

Main Muscle Worked: Adductors
Other Muscles: Abductors, Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
Equipment: Other
  1. Position a number of cones in a row several feet apart.
  2. Stand next to the end of the cones, facing 90 degrees to the direction of travel. This will be your starting position.
  3. Begin the jump by dipping with the knees to initiate a stretch reflex, and immediately reverse direction to push off the ground, jumping up and sideways over the cone.
  4. Use your legs to absorb impact upon landing, and rebound into the next jump, continuing down the row of cones.

Side Leg Raises

Main Muscle Worked: Adductors
Equipment: Body Only
  1. Stand next to a chair, which you may hold onto as a support. Stand on one leg. This will be your starting position.
  2. Keeping your leg straight, raise it as far out to the side as possible, and swing it back down, allowing it to cross the opposite leg.
  3. Repeat this swinging motion 5-10 times, increasing the range of motion as you do so.

Take these exercises, along with those from the previous articles and the ones that will follow in the next few articles, and combine them to create your own total body work out routine. In addition, put in place a healthy diet, and you will be well on your way to being healthy and fit.

Always remember to warm up for at least 5 - 10 minutes before beginning a work out routine.

Want some ideas for your abs? Give the Truth About Abs program a try.

Take a look at The Gabriel Method weight loss program, this guy lost over 200 pounds!

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